I am Ramay “Keylo” Lewis, wood carver and designer of ocean/island inspired apparel and art. My love for the ocean comes from living and breathing the salty life on a small spit of an island called Key West where I grew up. I didn't just dream about the ocean. I lived it... out where the Gulf of Mexico meets the Atlantic, or what I like to call it.....Gods aquarium.
in 2022 I had the privilege to carve the Ladies Fly Tournament perpetual trophy. For a Key West boy it was sort of a coming home and a honor to carve this special trophy with the Poinciana Bloom. For the tarpon fishermen, the bloom is a sign of the big event of the Palolo hatch. The tarpons seem to become intoxicated as they feast on the worms. For a young school boy, it meant school was over for the summer. Getting out of school or catching a silver king should always be a reason to celebrate.